
Your evidence-based toolkit

Business Cases and Funding Support

Social and Economic Impact Analysis

Outcome-based Policy and Strategy

Economic Analysis and Strategy

Activity Centre and Retail Analysis

Business Cases and Funding Support

think outside the box

Your project requires a strong evidence-based to justify funding. Pracsys provides a suite of services to assist you in developing evidence-based business cases and funding applications. We can help you understand community demand, assess option feasibility, identify the preferred option, quantify the social and economic benefits, and write a compelling business case. Over the past five years, we have assisted our clients in acquiring almost $2 billion in funding from State and Federal funding grants. Our regional local government clients have been awarded over $110 million for community infrastructure and over $100 million in transport infrastructure funding in the past three years alone. We can make a difference in your quest to support and fund a project.

  • Services

  • Needs Assessments/Demand Analysis
  • Feasibility Studies
  •  Options Analysis
  • Financial Modelling
  • Business Cases
  • Cost Benefit Analysis

Social and Economic Impact Analysis

Social Economic Impact Analysis

There is a growing requirement for robust, quantified social and economic benefits to guide decision making across all levels of government. Quantified intangible benefits are often the key to making your projects stand out from the competition. We have been at the forefront of developing and applying best practice techniques to understand how policies and projects impact the community and the economy. Our goal is to provide you with the tools you need to assess projects or demonstrate their full impact.

  • Services

  • Social Return on Investment
  • Employment Impact Estimates
  •  Economic Impact Estimates
  • Social and Economic benefit Assessment

Outcome-based Policy and Strategy

Outcome - based Policy and Strategy

Decision-makers are changing the way they think about policy and strategy, with a global shift towards outcome-based evaluations of performance. Pracsys is a leader in developing frameworks that will enable you to take an evidence-based approach to decision making. We will work with you to develop objectives that align to your organisational vision and a set of specific outcomes that can be measured over time to ensure you can achieve your goals.

  • Services

  • Strategic Alignment
  • Total Economic Value Models
  •  Public Value Measurement Frameworks
  • Prioritisation Frameworks
  • Benefit Management Plans

Economic Analysis and Strategy

think outside the box

You need to understand the strengths of your local economy and the challenges faced by local businesses in order to create positive economic change. We work with you to undertake consultation, economic analysis, and strategy development to support the business community. Our employment quality model lets you measure the strengths of your employment centres and your comparative advantages. We have the expertise to help you understand the levers at your disposal to support economic development, identify the issues and opportunities facing local businesses, create a strategy to guide your economic initiatives, and attract and retain businesses.

  • Services

  • Business Location Preference Surveys
  • Cluster Analysis
  •  Economic Development Strategies
  • Business Prospectus

Activity Centre and Retail Analysis

think outside the box

Planning requires an objective understanding of the drivers for economic activation. You need to understand the level of demand for a centre and the potential impact it will have on the activity centre hierarchy in order to justify its development or expansion. We have a comprehensive understanding of the State Planning Framework and the technical expertise to guide you in your centre development. Our modelling allows you to determine the demand for retail floorspace and the potential impact of your development on other centres in the activity centre hierarchy. We use our experience to assist you in understanding the role of your centre in providing services and employment to the local population, ensuring it contributes to a diverse and resilient activity centre hierarchy.

  • Services

  • Floorspace and Land Use Analysis
  • Retail Needs Assessments
  •  Retails Sustainability Assessments
  • Local Commercial Activity Centre Strategies
  • Economic, Retail and Employment Strategies