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Economic Development Strategy
Shire of Harvey | 2019



  • Socio-economic and Demographic Analysis
  • Survey Development
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Community Engagement
  • Outcome-Based Policy and Strategy
  • Economic Development Strategy


Pracsys was engaged by the Shire of Harvey to develop an Economic Development Strategy to guide the region’s continued growth. Key focus areas from the Shire included utilising local strengths, identifying opportunities and constraints for development, and growing the Shire’s tourism sector.


We conducted a comprehensive top-down economic analysis of the Shire’s economic and social demographic profiles, reporting on industry configuration, employment self-sufficiency / self-containment and employment quality. This analysis was complemented with thorough stakeholder consultation, ensuring recommendations were tailored to the Shire’s unique economy. Analysis and consultation identified the Shire’s priority opportunities for consolidating economic development and building upon its strong export base.


We identified key comparative advantages in the local economy, such as well-developed export industries, and created a multi-faceted strategic plan to take advantage of potential growth opportunities in these industries. We also provided evidence-based recommendations for expanding the Shire’s tourism sector.